Do you want to find out more about coaching, workshops or intensives? Get in touch via the contact form below to let me know! I’m looking forward to seeing how I can help you!
I am based in Amsterdam, Netherlands and see clients locally, but if you’re not in The Netherlands don’t fear!
I also offer leadership, business, career or life coaching sessions via Skype or Zoom which is just as effective, and I can even fly to you for a coaching intensive. It has literally never been easier for you to get the support you need in getting the life you dream of.
Just complete the form and I’ll get back to you ASAP.
For inquiries regarding available packages and prices for leadership, career or life coaching, please contact me using the form. I’m looking forward to connecting with you!
If you want more clarity on how I help you achieve your goals, that’s one of the first things we tackle together in a strategy session.
h.o.d.n. Ultimate You
Gaffel 35
1319 BS ALmere
KVK nummer: 56596820
BTW nummer: NL131882703B02
Tel nr: 0683562242